I was featured on the front cover of a magazine and I had no idea!
Last night, I found out that I was featured on the front cover of a magazine and I had no idea! I found out from a stranger. This (awesome) woman had read an article that I recently wrote for Brainz magazine and loved it so much, she found me on Instagram and messaged me. She added,
"congratulations on being on the front cover"
I was like, "what, front cover?". She took a screenshot and sent it to me.
I don't know if you have ever found yourself splashed across the front page of something, but you aren't ever quite prepared for the flood of emotions that you experience.
The magazine picks writers to be featured on the front page at their discretion, based on the writing contract they have. So, they didn't have to ask me for permission, which is why it caught me by surprise.
As I stared at my phone and myself on the cover, so many physical sensations washed over my body......
I closed my eyes, in order to tune into my body during this incredible moment
my heartbeat picking up, my lips breaking into a smile, my fingers and toes tingling and feeling the rush of blood to my chest and throat. I kept hearing a whooshing sound in my ears, as though I was listening to waves.
As I continued to tune in, I found myself smiling so wide that my cheeks started to hurt. Then I realized that though it felt good to keep smiling from ear to ear, I also felt the need to tone it down (even though I was completely on my own). I kept trying to close my mouth and cut off the smile.
In that moment, I became aware of two very important things (which is why I am sharing with you).
First, my mind was telling me to tone down feeling so happy. My mind said "it's not a bad achievement, but it's no Fortune cover or a magazine that anyone really knows".
The ego is a bit of a bastard and will ALWAYS find ways to make you feel small in the name of protecting you from future failure and disappointment. It robs of you being present in the moment and turns your attention towards fear.
When you aren't present, you aren't FULL with life.
Elaine, this is part of the reason why you might be constantly searching for something to make you feel FULL, but it never seems to hit the spot. You intellectually know what it means to be in the present moment, but you don't know the HOW.
Second, as a little kid, I hated smiling, even when I felt happy, because I hated my teeth. I received unwanted attention and name calling for my dark skin, thick frizzy hair and big teeth that made it hard to close my mouth. So unconsciously I was used to telling my body "don't smile so much, because it's not going to look good". I craved attention but hated being seen because of this.
This behavior is ingrained so deeply in me, that last night I was unconsciously toning down my smile. The little girl in me loved the fact that I was in the spotlight, but she feared what others would think of her.
Our bodies store memories in our cells; not just our minds. This is important for you to know because this affects your ability to change and your results.
Consciously our mind wants success, more opportunities, more money, but subconsciously and unconsciously your body might be wired to reject more money, success and abundance.
This is why at times in your life, you have felt that you are swimming against the tide. This is why you might feel like, no matter how hard you try to change things, things never change in your life.
Using me as an example, I am a coach who wants to spread my mission far and wide. On a conscious level, I want to have a huge impact on this world which means speaking on stages, writing books, showing up publicly. But in my subconscious, I am scared to be seen, because my body remembers not feeling safe, when people judged me for my looks.
This internal misalignment is why you feel stuck. Your conscious mind cannot override what your body doesn't feel safe doing.
So if you desire more confidence, less doubt, more self-trust, and less self-loathing, it all starts with you learning to feel and be in the present moment and second, releasing the fear your body is holding on to, in the name of protection.
How do you do this? - By learning to slow down your mind, releasing your past and tuning into your present and connecting to your body.
This is exactly the work I do with my clients.
If this work sounds terrifying but magical, this is definitely for you!
Book a clarity call with me today and lets get started on your life changing work in 2021.